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Narraguagus River Exploration

Survey aquatic and riparian habitats along river bank
When Jul 20, 2017
from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM
Where Cherryfield, Maine
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Contact Phone (207)747-2942.
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Are you curious about what life lurks in the tea-stained depths of the mighty Narraguagus River? Join Maine Outdoor School founders Joe Horn and Hazel Stark on a two-hour exploration both upstream and downstream of the Icebreaker Dam on the Narraguagus River in search of mayflies, stoneflies, caddis flies, hellgrammites, minnows, frogs, and maybe even eels! Be sure to bring rubber boots or shoes that you don’t mind getting wet–and a sense of adventure!

This event is for ages 10-14 and is located at Icebreaker Dam at the end of Cable Pool Road in Cherryfield. Please register with  or by calling .


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