Coastal Resilience Resource List
A list of coastal resilience resource efforts by the LCCs and partners along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and Caribbean, organized by organization, resource type, and date, as well as a list of decision support tools with coastal applications.
Synthesis of Thresholds for Coastal Species and Habitats
This tool is a compilation and synthesis of sea level rise and storm threshold data for 44 fish, wildlife, and plant species of conservation concern, as well as for four coastal habitats, organized into two tables. Users can search for a species or habitat of interest to see what threshold data, qualitative assessments, and/or research exist related to the threats from sea level rise and storms, as well as responses to management approaches. Of the species included in this table, 22 (50%) have quantitative threshold data available related to future sea level rise scenarios or storms that would compromise some aspect of their reproduction, productivity, or population. Thirteen species (30%) are projected to lose at least 50% of their population or habitat (e.g. foraging, nesting, spawning, or resting habitat) in certain areas with a 0.5 m or greater rise in sea levels. This information can be used by natural resource managers and others interested in learning about the threats from sea level rise and storms on vulnerable species and habitats and incorporating threats into restoration and coastal adaptation efforts.
Tidally Influenced Crossings Workshop
A workshop for those in the Northeast US and Canada that are interested in tidally influenced crossings was organized by the Northeast Regional Ocean Council, the Gulf of Maine Council, and the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. It was held on September 10 2015 in Portsmouth, NH and representatives from two Canadian provinces and six northeast states attended.
Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resilience Maps
This is the home link to the DataBasin Conservation Planning Atlas for the North Atlantic LCC Sandy funded coastal resilience spatial products. Links to all of the galleries for the projects funded through the Sandy funding are accessible from here.
Customizable ArcGIS tool for prioritizing field survey locations
This link allows users to select the metrics that are most important to their objectives in choosing where to conduct field surveys of road-stream crossings to assess aquatic organism passage for particular groups of species, average slope at crossings, or for other considerations.
Customizable map tool for aquatic barrier prioritization
This tool allows users to view aquatic barriers (dams, road-stream crossings) by the relative gain in ecological value if they were removed. Users start with a consensus map of anadromous fish priorities, which was developed based on stakeholder input as part of the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC). Beyond the consensus results, interested users can create their own scenarios by filtering input barriers to limit the analysis to a given state or watershed, changing the weights of metrics according to their importance to the analysis objectives (e.g. length of upstream network connected, number of diadromous fish present, etc.) and by modeling the removal of up to 10 barriers.
Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resilience Maps
This is the home link to the DataBasin Conservation Planning Atlas for the North Atlantic LCC Sandy funded coastal resilience spatial products. Links to all of the galleries for the projects funded through the Sandy funding are accessible from here.
Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resilience Maps
This is the home link to the DataBasin Conservation Planning Atlas for the North Atlantic LCC Sandy funded coastal resilience spatial products. Links to all of the galleries for the projects funded through the Sandy funding are accessible from here.
Instructions for signing up for DataBasin
Instructions for signing up for DataBasin
Instructions for signing up for DataBasin
Instructions for signing up for DataBasin
Decision Support Framework for Sea-level Rise Impacts
Link to sea level rise structured decision making process previously supported by North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative that supports coastal resiliency projects funded with Hurricane Sandy funds.
Sandy Resilience Projects
The North Atlantic LCC is working with the Department of the Interior, its bureaus, and the broader conservation community to coordinate Hurricane Sandy resiliency science projects, identify science needs and help guide future restoration investments. This includes a portion of Interior’s recently announced $162 million investment in 45 projects throughout the region impacted by Sandy, as well as science projects funded previously by DOI.
Hurricane Sandy US FWS
Link to Main FWS Sandy Information Site
Sandy Resilience Projects
The North Atlantic LCC is working with the Department of the Interior, its bureaus, and the broader conservation community to coordinate Hurricane Sandy resiliency science projects, identify science needs and help guide future restoration investments. This includes a portion of Interior’s recently announced $162 million investment in 45 projects throughout the region impacted by Sandy, as well as science projects funded previously by DOI.
Hurricane Sandy US FWS
Link to Main FWS Sandy Information Site
Sandy Resilience Projects
The North Atlantic LCC is working with the Department of the Interior, its bureaus, and the broader conservation community to coordinate Hurricane Sandy resiliency science projects, identify science needs and help guide future restoration investments. This includes a portion of Interior’s recently announced $162 million investment in 45 projects throughout the region impacted by Sandy, as well as science projects funded previously by DOI.
Hurricane Sandy US FWS
Link to Main FWS Sandy Information Site