Presentation files
Common Metrics and Protocols
Metrics and protocols being used to measure and characterize tidal marsh condition and assess the effectiveness of marsh restoration projects in increasing resiliency of marshes and agree on common metrics to utilize across projects.
Delivering Coastal Resiliency Information
Opportunities for making results of Hurricane Sandy projects and other coastal resiliency information available to partners including coastal states and communities.
Indices of Tidal Marsh Integrity and Resiliency
Approaches and indices to measure and characterize the relative tidal marsh resiliency, integrity, conservation value and identify opportunities to coordinate and integrate data development and approaches
Mapping and Spatial Data (also Intro. slides)
Information on available tidal marsh spatial data including project locations, monitoring sites, marsh vegetation, elevation and condition, adjacent areas, and ways that information can be shared and viewed.
Physical and Geological Processes
Relevant and existing and emerging physical and geological data and models that can inform and link to marsh assessment and response.
Regional Monitoring Design for Marsh Restoration and Modeling
Overall monitoring design and coverage across region and across categories needed to assess effectiveness of restoration projects, inform modeling and guide regional conservation planning
Tidal Marsh Biological Response to Sea Level Rise and Storms
Ongoing efforts to assess and model responses of tidal marshes to sea level rise and storms, and how these approaches can inform each other, be informed by monitoring, relate to physical and geological information and guide regional marsh resiliency planning and actions
Tidal Marsh Obligate Species
Approaches to assess and model the suitability, demography and use by tidal marsh obligate species under current conditions and projected future conditions with sea level rise, storms and development, and linking those efforts to geophysical and marsh response models.
Tidal Marsh Resiliency Restoration Approaches
Restoration/protection approaches being taken to increase resiliency of tidal marshes and adjacent uplands in the face of storms and sea level rise including: living shorelines, thin layer deposition, restoration of hydrology, invasive species control, and facilitated marsh migration.
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