North Atlantic Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Science Projects
Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency DOI Competitive Grants (NFWF)
Spreadsheet of Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency DOI Competitive Grants from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Hurricane Sandy DOI Bureau and NOAA Science Projects List (pdf file)
A comprehensive list of DOI and NOAA Hurricane Sandy resiliency and restoration science projects, including those coordinated by the North Atlantic LCC (PDF). 294 pp.
Hurricane Sandy DOI Bureau and NOAA Science Projects Database (MS Access)
A comprehensive database of DOI Bureau and NOAA Hurricane Sandy resiliency and restoration science projects, including those coordinated by the North Atlantic LCC
Hurricane Sandy DOI Competitive Projects with Science Components
Spreadsheet of Hurricane Sandy DOI Competitive Projects with Science Components
Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Science Projects
The North Atlantic LCC is playing a key role in coordinating Hurricane Sandy resiliency science projects, identifying science needs and helping to guide future restoration investments.
Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Temperature
Bringing People, Data, and Models Together – Addressing Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Temperature
North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative
This project is developing a partner-driven, science-based approach for identifying and prioritizing culvert road stream crossings in the area impacted by Hurricane Sandy for increasing resilience to future floods while improving aquatic connectivity for fish passage. The resulting information and tools will be used to inform and improve decision making by towns, states and other key decision makers.
Rutgers and Conserve Wildlife New Jersey's project to use Marxan modeling approaches to assess the influence of landscape variables and beach management strategies on beach nesting bird habitat suitability.
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