Connecting with State Partners
North Atlantic LCC staff provided technical training on use of regional datasets for state Geographic Information Systems (GIS) staff March 10-11 at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Northeast Regional Office in Hadley, Massachusetts and March 13-14 at the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia. To create the datasets, the LCC synthesized species occurrence data for Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need determined by the states and regionally consistent habitat and foundational environmental spatial data layers. The regional datasets can be used to provide regional context for decisions regarding species and habitats that span multiple states. More than 20 attendees from 11 Northeast states and D.C. participated in person or via webinar. The training included an introduction to the available and forthcoming datasets, methods of obtaining the data, available analysis tools and demonstrations of possible applications of the data for conservation planning. States are considering how to best use the information to identify regional "Conservation Opportunity Areas" for their State Wildlife Action Plans. Additional information and training for Service staff and partners will be available in the coming months.
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