2015 Narraguagus River Ice Out Time Lapse Photography
Time Lapse Photography of Ice out on the Narraguagus below the Ice Control Dam. The USFWS Maine Fishery Resources Office monitored ice out on the Narraguagus River near Cherryfield, Maine from March 31 to April 28, 2015. Photos were taken every 5 minutes from 6AM to 7PM. File is quite large at 80 mb for 4 locations- from Ice Control Dam to Veterans Park in Cherryfield.
Maine Atlantic Salmon Trap Count Statistics
Maine Department of Marine Resources, Division of Sea-Run Fisheries and Habitat staff conduct routine monitoring of the abundance and status of adult Atlantic salmon and other fish species in many Maine rivers. Staff operate traps at fishways and barrier weirs to monitor fish returns to the Penobscot (Milford Dam), and Narraguagus (Cherryfield Dam); Great Lakes Hydro, America operates a trap at Weldon Dam in the upper Penobscot drainage, Pennsylvania Power and Light operates a trap at the Ellsworth Dam on the Union River; Florida Power and Light operates traps and lifts at two hydroelectric projects on the Saco River, Maine DMR operates one on the Androscoggin River, and the St. Croix Waterway Commission operates a trap at the Milltown Dam on the St. Croix River. These fish counting facilities are typically operated from May through early November each year. Staff update the statewide trap catch summary weekly or more often during the peak of the fish migrations. The statewide trap catch table includes counts of sea-run salmon captured on Maine rivers and salmon removed from the river as broodstock for restocking of Maine rivers and DOES NOT include captures of aquaculture strays or captive reared adult salmon released from Federal hatcheries.
Penobscot River Restoration: History, plan and partners for a game-changing restoration
The restoration of the Penobscot River is an unprecedented and innovative effort to remove two dams and build a state-of-the-art fish bypass around a third. As a result, hundreds of miles of habitat along the Penobscot and its tributaries will be re-opened for sea-run fish, with tremendous benefits to biological and human communities along the river.
USFWS Refuge Staff Aid Partners in Restoring Atlantic Salmon Habitat in Downeast Maine
During the summer of 2014, Moosehorn and Aroostook National Wildlife Refuges provided staff (Mike Krug, Brandon Harriman and Kirk Cote) and heavy equipment to assist with the installation of two 8’ wide (52’ long) open bottom arches and complete removal of culverts at 4 other locations within Project SHARE’s restoration focus areas in the Narraguagus and East Machias Rivers.
West Branch Brook
Project SHARE conducted a preconstruction site assessment of the 30-00-0 road crossing of West Branch Brook. West Branch Brook is a head water tributary of the Narraguagus River. The Beddington Lake HUC 12 is the top priority focus area for Atlantic salmon restoration in the Narraguagus River. Funding for this project was provided by the Gulf of Maine Council with assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maine Fishery Resources Office.
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