2015 Narraguagus River Ice Out Time Lapse Photography
Time Lapse Photography of Ice out on the Narraguagus below the Ice Control Dam. The USFWS Maine Fishery Resources Office monitored ice out on the Narraguagus River near Cherryfield, Maine from March 31 to April 28, 2015. Photos were taken every 5 minutes from 6AM to 7PM. File is quite large at 80 mb for 4 locations- from Ice Control Dam to Veterans Park in Cherryfield.
Publication Date: 2015
Modification Date: Wed 15 Mar 2017 04:54:09 PM
Contributors: Scott Craig
Photo Album Cherryfield Dam.pptx — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 79,796 kB (81,711,415 bytes)Document Actions