USFWS Programmatic Stream Crossing Consultation
USFWS, FEMA, and USACE in Maine have collaborated on a programmatic Endangered Species Act section 7 consultation that will facilitate recovery of the endangered Atlantic salmon and promote healthy stream ecosystems.
Stream Crossing Bank Guidance
Graphic guidance
Section 7 Consultation Package Including PBO
This letter transmits the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) programmatic Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 7 consultation package, including a programmatic biological opinion (PBO), based on the Service’s review of your agencies’ proposal to permit, fund, or carry out specific activities associated with road-stream crossings in Maine. This programmatic consultation is a collaborative effort by our three agencies with the specific goal of contributing to the conservation and recovery of the endangered Atlantic salmon by addressing the threats to aquatic habitat connectivity and fish passage associated with many existing road-stream crossings in Maine.
Stream Crossing Programmatic Notification Form
This form identifies key elements of the proposed action, but must be accompanied by sufficient additional documentation to ensure that the proposed action fits all applicable design criteria, and that all effects to ESA-listed species and their habitats are within the range of effects considered in the biological opinion guiding this notification process for use by the relevant agency, USACE, USFWS, or FEMA.
Instructions for Completing Stream Crossing Programmatic Notification Form
This instruction guide is meant to help in completing the Stream Crossing Programmatic Notification Form *. The form is to be completed by an applicant to notify all relevant Federal agencies of the applicant’s intention to remove, install, replace or repair a stream crossing located within the areas of Maine that are important to the recovery of the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon, which is listed as endangered by the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). This form is part of a streamlined U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) permitting and ESA section 7 consultation process that is applicable only to stream crossing work that meets the criteria for natural and sustainable design embodied in the U.S. Forest Service’s document, Stream Simulation: An Ecological Approach to Providing Passage for Aquatic Organisms at Road-Stream Crossings,
Sample Plan Set
This set of plans is meant to portray an example of final construction drawings only, and must be accompanied by sufficient additional documentation of site conditioins to satisfy the need for the Programmatic Notification Form. That documentation would include elements such as stream profile, cross-section(s), substrate characterization, hydrology and hydaulics analysis.
Sample Supplemental Documents
Examples of site maps, photographs, longitudinal profile and other supplemental material that must be submitted along with the Stream Crossing Programmatic Notification Form.