MARCO seeks proposals to advance priorities for climate change adaptation
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) is seeking project proposals to support advancement of shared Mid-Atlantic state priorities for climate change adaptation.
MARCO will fund one (1) or two (2) proposals that address the following objectives: advance the understanding and use of natural and nature-based features (NNBF) in the Mid-Atlantic to support coastal climate adaptation at the local level; integrate ecosystem goods and services information in decision-making about coastal climate adaptation in the Mid-Atlantic; and identify Mid-Atlantic regional coastal wetland restoration priorities based on risk reduction and associated resilience outcomes.
Proposals should focus on increasing the delivery of scientific information and adaptation tools to coastal communities and decision-makers in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. Total anticipated funding for all awards is approximately $215,000 to $240,000. The amount of funding per project will depend on the size, location, type and merits of the project. Selected projects must be completed no later than September 15, 2016.
For complete details and submission process, view the full Request for Proposals
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