New LCC Team Articulates Strategy and Priorities for Science Delivery
A consistent message from Northeast partners has been the need for increased emphasis on the delivery of science information and tools to partners in the scales and formats that they need. A new North Atlantic LCC Science Delivery team, including more than 30 members each representing different delivery functions in federal agencies, state agencies, national NGOs, regional NGOs, and watershed groups is articulating priority needs for effectively delivering science. The group assessed science delivery scales, audiences, current and anticipated applications and decisions and agreed on three categories of needs, including program development and capacity; partner support grants and demonstration projects; and Information support and access needs. Initial priorities are the development of a fully functional information management system; increased capacity for translation of science into conservation tools, technical assistance, training, and targeted outreach; grants to encourage partners/partnerships to use, test, or develop applications of data/tools; and workshops with users to provide information and get feedback on the most effective way to integrate available information and to provide training on tools. The team will present its recommendations to the LCC Steering Committee at its meeting on November 6. Contact:
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