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Applications for Nature's Network in Maine

Learn how data and tools from Nature's Network can be used to support goals for protecting Maine's natural resources at a workshop hosted by the FWS Gulf of Maine Program Office and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
When Dec 06, 2017
from 08:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Where Brunswick, Me.
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With support from the North Atlantic LCC, the Gulf of Maine Coastal Program is hosting a workshop designed to introduce staff and partners to the Nature's Network conservation design, and to demonstrate applications for the datasets and tools through examples based on real conservation scenarios in Maine. 

Date and time - Wednesday, December 6th, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location - Penobscot Conference Room, The Nature Conservancy, 14 Maine Street, Suite 401, Brunswick, Me.

Objective - During this four-hour workshop, participants will learn about the vision and history behind Nature’s Network, see what makes up the five different components of the conservation design, and explore potential applications for the entire the suite of datasets and decision-support tools based on real conservation scenarios.

Who should attend - The workshop is appropriate for any staff and partners of FWS, Maine Division of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and other conservation organizations who are engaged in conservation planning and implementation, including tech-savvy biologists and program managers; planners or administrators that help the agency describe priority places for acquisition, conservation, or restoration, including GIS staff.

Desired outcome - Participants will leave the workshop with an ability to use new spatial tools and products to identify strategic opportunities for conservation actions and to synergize work with partners to maximize our collective impact. Once implemented, such conservation actions will have an enhanced likelihood of success, since they will benefit from advanced screening and being positioned within a regional network of habitats.

Registration - The workshop is free, but registration is required. Please contact Bob Houston, Biologist and GIS Specialist at the Gulf of Maine Coastal Program: [email protected]

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