Massachusetts launches Wildlife Climate Action Tool
How will climate change impact fish, wildlife, and habitats in Massachusetts? What measures can be taken today to protect these natural resources into the future? A new tool designed to help decision makers in Massachusetts act strategically in the face of climate change provides adaptation information that can be applied broadly to other geographies, and offers a model for empowering diverse stakeholders to take part in responding to climate threats.
Developed by a team of experts from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the Department of Interior’s Northeast Climate Science Center, and the USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, the Wildlife Climate Action Tool incorporates the best available information on the vulnerability of natural resources to climate change, including science sponsored by the North Atlantic and Appalachian LCCs. LCC-supported contributions include data from the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project at UMass Amherst, the NatureServe climate-change vulnerability assessment, and the Riparian Prioritization for Climate Resilience tool.
Read the full story on the Northeast Climate Science Center website.
The Northeast Climate Science Center will host a webinar on the Wildlife Climate Action Tool on December 2nd, 2015.
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