Nature-Based Solutions to Enhance Coastal Resilience
North Atlantic LCC partner National Wildlife Federation will be hosting a webinar for remote participants to virtually attend a series of presentations at the upcoming workshop on Nature-Based Solutions to Enhance Coastal Resilience at the CUNY Graduate Center in NYC. The webinar will feature four presentations that will highlight existing practices, challenges, and the status, design, and maintenance of N-NBF projects for enhancing coastal resilience in New York and New Jersey.
Following the workshop, webinar attendees will be given the opportunity to contribute content to the workshop’s afternoon breakout discussions through providing input on a number of discussion questions organized around three focus areas: (1) Site assessment and project monitoring, (2) Permitting challenges, and (3) Project design standards.
This workshop seeks to move the ball forward on N-NBF-oriented projects in the Mid-Atlantic. Final summaries of the feedback and discussion captured from the afternoon topical breakouts and from feedback obtained through 100+ stakeholder interviews will provide the foundation for a final report on the state of practice and future direction of N-NBF-oriented projects across the Mid-Atlantic.
Link to join the webinar:
Webinar agenda*:
8:45 – 9:00 Introductory Remarks. Chris Hilke, National Wildlife Federation
9:00 – 9:45 Site Assessment & Project Monitoring. Jackie Jahn, GreenVest
9:45 – 10:30 Permitting Challenges. Dawn McReynolds, NYS DEC and Steve Jacobus, NJ DEP
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:30 Project Design Standards. Dr. Jon K. Miller, Stevens Institute of Technology
*Final agenda, including presentation titles, will be distributed prior to the event
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