North Atlantic LCC seeks proposals for priority science needs funding
The North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NALCC) is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for grants under the 2015 NALCC Priority Science Program.
The North Atlantic LCC partners work together to identify common science needs, shared scientific capacity and information and coordinate natural resource conservation actions across the region.
The objective of the North Atlantic LCC Priority Science Program is to address landscape-scale conservation issues by combining resources, leveraging funds, and prioritizing conservation actions identified by the best available science.
The North Atlantic LCC is accepting proposals for 2015 priority science needs in two topic areas:
Topic 1: Consistent Assessment of River Corridor and Floodplain Ecosystems and Cultural Resources Vulnerable to Flooding (maximum of $100,000 available)
Topic 2: Prioritization of Rare Plants (maximum of $50,000 available)
Read the complete RFP for instructions on how to apply.
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