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Regional Conservation Partnership (RCP) Network Gathering

Join regional conservation professionals from state and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, and land trusts for an annual gathering hosted by the Highstead Foundation. This year’s theme is the “Power of Teamwork to Advance Regional Conservation”.
When Nov 16, 2016
from 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM
Where Nashua Crowne Plaza, Nashua, N.H.
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The Regional Conservation Partnership (RCP) Network and its suite of associated services help these partnerships connect to one another and to the expertise they need to move forward.

The annual RCP Network Gathering is a day-long conference where people working on collaborative conservation across the region can benefit from the insights of their peers and from technical training workshops and expert panels. It is a place to connect with colleagues to share successes and challenges and learn new skills. This event helps RCPs individually and collectively continue to grow in strength and numbers, increasing the pace and scale of conservation in their communities and across the New England/New York region as a whole.

Click here for information about the agenda and registration. 

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