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Webinar: A Research and Decision Support Framework to Evaluate Coastal Landscape Change

Research geologist Erika Lentz presents a new U.S. Geological Survey model developed with support from the North Atlantic LCC that captures a dynamic coastal response to sea-level rise.
When Apr 27, 2016
from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM
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As part of the Northeast Climate Science Center spring webinar series, research geologist Erika Lentz will present a new model computer model guided by a North Atlantic LCC-facilitated sea-level rise structured decision making process that captures the potential for the Northeast coast to change through geological and biological forces in ways that will reshape coastal landscapes. The model is the basis for a recent study released by the U.S. Geological Survey, which indicates that the majority of the coastline from Maine to Virginia is more likely to change over the next several decades in response to sea-level rise, rather than simply be submerged.  

For more information about the webinar, visit the Northeast Climate Science Center. 

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