Webinar: Evaluating the effects of future climate change on wildlife
Through a glass darkly: Evaluating the effects of future climate change on wildlife
Presenters: Kevin S. McKelvey, USDA Forest Service and Polly Buotte, Northwest Climate Science Center
Historically, determining the fate of wildlife populations was largely a function of intensive autecological studies to establish vital rates, food habits, and habitat correlates. These understandings were assumed to be static over time and thus projectable in a straightforward way. With anticipated directional climate change, this approach has become increasingly untenable. However, attempts to project dynamic and changing conditions and their effects on wildlife are subject to vast uncertainties. We illustrate this both generally and using as an example Canada lynx, one of the better studied species with obvious adaptations to cold climates
For more information and to register: http://consbio.org/newsroom/events/webinar-through-glass-darkly-evaluating-effects-future-climate-change-wildlife
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