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TNC Terrestrial Resiliency, CT River Watershed

This dataset represents a scaled version of the terrestrial resiliency index developed by Mark Anderson and associates at The Nature Conservancy (Anderson et al 2012), which is a measure of the relative long-term resiliency of a site based on connectivity to a diversity of landforms, elevations and wetlands. Thus, a value of 0.9 in a cell means that it has a resiliency score that is greater than 90% of all the cells of the same geophysical setting in that watershed, and all the cells with >0.9 values comprise the best 10% of all cells across all geophysical settings within the watershed. TNC's resiliency index, as scaled here, is a major component of the terrestrial core area selection index and thus the terrestrial core area network.

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Publication Date 2015
Data Type Raster
Resolution 30 meter
Status Complete
Creator Organization Mark Anderson (TNC), Kevin McGarigal (UMass)
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