Handouts: January 2012 Technical Committee Meeting
Matrix of Actions, Projects, Priority Needs, Next Steps, & Responsibility (Handout 5)
This handout contains Table 1 of the NALCC Conservation Science Strategic Plan. The handout was designed for the January 2012 meeting of the NALCC Technical Committee. It contains projects under Ecological Planning, Conservation Design, Conservation Adoption & Delivery, Monitoring, Research, and Information Management. (Handout 5)
NALCC Conservation Cooperative Science Projects (Handout 3)
This handout contains 4 projects (and accompanying descriptions & costs) under Projects Initiated in 2010, 7 projects under Projects Approved by Steering Committee in 2011, and 5 projects under Needs Being Further Assessed. This handout was designed for the January 2012 Technical Committee meeting. (Handout 3)
NALCC Process for Assessing Science Needs & Selecting Projects (Handout 6)
This document contains a month-by-month table of the North Atlantic LCC Annual Process for Assessing Science Needs and Selecting Projects, designed for the January 2012 Technical Committee meeting. (Handout 6)
NALCC Technical Committee Conference Call Agenda 01/17/12
The agenda includes topics: results of November Steering Committee Meeting, status of contracts, annual process for identifying and refining needs and funding projects and for recommendations on additional phases of existing projects, proposal for Northeast Landscape Conservation Design, and update on information management needs assessment. (Handout 1)
NALCC Technical Committee Membership List (Handout 2)
This is the membership list for the NALCC Technical Committee meeting in January 2012. (Handout 2)
Priority Common Science Needs: Next Steps (Handout 4)
This is the Priority Common Science Needs: Next Steps handout for the Technical Committee meeting in January, 2012. It includes 17 topics under Common Needs, 4 under Information Management, and 2 additional needs discussed at the Albany meeting. (Handout 4)
Purpose & Goals of NALCC Technical Committee & Subgroups (Handout 7)
This document contains the proposed purpose and goals of the Technical Committee and subgroups in the NALCC annual process. It is a handout for the January 2012 NALCC Technical Committee meeting. (Handout 7)
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