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Steering Committee Conference Call July 1, 2014

North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Steering Committee Conference Call Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Goals for call: Review and decide on technical committee recommendations for science funding; updates on science delivery, Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas and Hurricane Sandy resiliency funded projects; review options and plan for fall meeting

North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Steering Committee

Conference Call Agenda

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon


Call Number: 866-762-5634   Passcode: 5866227#


Web page for handouts:


Goals for call:  Review and decide on technical committee recommendations for science funding; updates on science delivery, Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas and Hurricane Sandy resiliency funded projects;  review options and plan for fall meeting


Agenda Items

Discussion Leader

Handouts and Presentations


1. Introductions, roll call

Review agenda

Review/approve minutes from April meeting

Ken Elowe (USFWS) & Andrew Milliken (NA LCC)
Handout 1 – Agenda

Handout 2 – Minutes


2. Review progress on action items from April meeting

Andrew Milliken

Handout 3 – Action items withactions taken from April 16, 2014 meeting


3. Review progress and lessons learned from Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot

Expected Call Outcome: Understanding of progress of Pilot and relationship to funding recommendations for next phases

Scott Schwenk (NA LCC), Andrew Milliken


Presentation: Summary of Connecticut River Pilot


4. Review recommendations for funding next phases of ongoing science projects by technical committee
  • Designing Sustainable Landscapes
  • Forecasting Changes in Aquatic Systems and Resilience of Aquatic Populations

Expected Call Outcome: Review of recommendations and decisions on science project funding.

Scott Schwenk, Ken Elowe

Handout 5a- Recommendations for two  ongoing projects

Handout 5b – Summary of technical committee participation, process and discussions

Handout 5c – Recommendations for science delivery funding from April meeting

Presentation: Summary of Project Recommendations


5. Update on ongoing science delivery projects and next steps

Expected Call Outcome: Understanding of next steps for science delivery

Steve Fuller (NA LCC) & Lori Pelech (NA LCC)

Handout 6 – Summary of funded science delivery projects and training provided


6. Update on next Steps for Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas (RCOAs)

Expected Call Outcome: Understanding of next steps for Regional Conservation Opportunity Areas and opportunities for coordination

Steve Fuller, Lori Pelech, Handout 7 – Outline of proposed RCOA process


7. Hurricane Sandy Department of the Interior Resiliency Projects

Expected Call Outcome: Coordination opportunities for LCC with Hurricane Sandy resiliency science projects

Andrew Milliken, Rick Bennett (USFWS)

Handout 8a – List of Hurricane Sandy Competitive Grant Projects funded

 Handout 8b -

Competitive Projects with science components


8. Agenda and planning for fall LCC Steering Committee meeting

Expected Call Outcome: Discussion of options, goals and agenda items for fall meeting; decision on length and timing

Ken Elowe, Bill Hyatt, Patty Riexinger, all







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