December 2019: Stream Grade Considerations for Epoxy Anchor Method
Many of our temperature loggers have been lost due to ice scour. This presentation by Kirstin Underwood (USFWS) briefly explores and analyzes stream grade considerations for the epoxy vs chain anchor method.
Located in Groups / Water Temperature Working Group / Meeting Presentations, Notes and Agendas
Animated Visualizations of Atlantic Salmon Smolt Behavior Aid in Recovery Research
Acoustic telemetry movements of Altantic salmon smolts in the Penobscot River, Maine, USA.
Located in Resources / Links
Maine DMR Coastal Program - Maine Stream Habitat Viewer
The Stream Habitat Viewer helps bring people together to restore and conserve Maine’s natural heritage while looking for opportunities to ease the financial burdens of road and dam owners. The Viewer displays habitats for several stream-dependent species important to Maine’s economy, ecology and way of life. It also provides locations and information about dams and road crossings, which can act as barriers to the movements of fish and wildlife and the stream processes that create and maintain habitat. Use the Contacts list to learn more about the habitats in your area, funding sources for projects and Stream-Smart crossings.
Located in Resources / Links
Atlantic salmon critical habitat map
Map of designated critical habitat for endangered Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Salmon
Located in Resources / Maps