Does the cutting edge of sea-run fish restoration interest you?
Employment opportunity
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CMS meeting presentations and minutes are now available for review and comment
Reports and Minutes
Located in News and Announcements / Announcements
Proceedings of the first virtual CMS Public Meeting
The proceedings, slides, minutes, and Q&A session from the 5/28/2020 meeting are now available for public viewing and comment
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Atlantic Salmon 5-Year Review
Located in News and Announcements / News
Maine Audubon: Stream Smart Workshop
Training opportunity Restoration
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NOAA Fisheries designate critical habitat for Atlantic sturgeon
The critical habitat designation will require federal agencies to consult NOAA Fisheries if they operate or fund activities that may affect designated critical habitat in more than 3,968 miles of important coastal river habitat from Maine to Florida. Atlantic sturgeon was listed under the Endangered Species Act in 2012 and is comprised of the threatened Gulf of Maine distinct population segment and the endangered New York Bight, Chesapeake Bay, Carolina, and South Atlantic distinct population segments.
Located in News and Announcements / News
NOAA Fisheries announces "Species in the Spotlight" campaign for Atlantic Salmon.
NOAA Fisheries announced a new Species in the Spotlight campaign to focus recovery and public education efforts on nine marine species that are at risk of extinction.
Located in News and Announcements / News
The Maine Sea Grant College Program = Research funding opportunities.
The Maine Sea Grant College Program is accepting preliminary proposals for research projects to be funded in the period February 2018 through January 2020.
Located in Opportunities / Funding
NOAA and USFWS Release Atlantic Salmon Recovery Plan
Final Atlantic Salmon Recovery Plan 2019
Located in News and Announcements / News
Maine Audubon: Stream Smart Phase II workshops
stream survey techniques and concepts associated with ecologically sound road/stream crossings
Located in News and Announcements / News