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The Maine Sea Grant College Program = Research funding opportunities.

The Maine Sea Grant College Program is accepting preliminary proposals for research projects to be funded in the period February 2018 through January 2020.

Through this new request, we seek proposals of two separate categories. First, we seek to fund research proposals that link the scientific capacity of Maine with the needs of coastal stakeholders. Second, we aim to support synthesis efforts that will integrate knowledge from diverse sources to summarize our current understanding of coastal Maine issues, identify gaps in knowledge, and outline future research directions. Synthesis efforts should not include the collection of new data.

Assuming no changes in the federal Sea Grant appropriation and the requirements of the non-research components of the Maine Sea Grant program, an estimated $750,000 will be available to support research projects over the two-year funding period. Maine Sea Grant will consider funding proposals from $50,000 to $150,000. Maine Sea Grant intends to fund as many excellent proposals as is possible within budgetary constraints; projects with requested funding below the maximum amount and those that show strong leveraging of funding are encouraged. Due to Maine Sea Grant’s limited resources, total two-year requests over $150,000 in Sea Grant funds (including all direct and indirect costs) will not be considered. Sea Grant funding requires a 50% non-federal match; all preliminary proposals must indicate source and level of available non-federal match. Proposals without sufficient match will not be considered.

Preliminary proposals are due Friday, February 24, 2017.

Maine Sea Grant is administered by the University of Maine, but the research competition is open to faculty and staff at any public or private research or higher education institution in the state.

For further details, guidelines, and forms,

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