SHARE Membership Meeting
When | Jun 03, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM |
Contact Name | Christopher Federico |
Contact Phone | 207-731-7488 |
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Project SHARE
Salmon Habitat and River Enhancement
Thursday, June 3, 2021
9:30 AM via Google Meet
or Phone
(US) +1 219-304-6501 PIN: 363 318 394#
Board of Directors:
Chair: Ernie Atkinson – DMR
Vice-Chair: David Montague - DLLT
Treasurer: Kyle Burdick – Baskahegan
At Large Members:
Bob Murphy, John Burrows, Eileen Bader-Hall, Wade Shorey, Dan Bowker, Pat Sirois, and Tom Gilbert
Agenda Topics |
9:30 |
Welcome, introductions & anti-trust |
Ernie Atkinson |
9:35 |
Review & approve minutes from March 5 meeting |
Ernie Atkinson |
Review & acceptance of Treasurer’s report |
Steven Koenig |
Executive Director Report |
Chris Federico |
Project Manager’s Report |
Chris Federico |
10:00 |
Stakeholder Reports |
Please emphasize actions your group is doing that directly relate to Atlantic salmon recovery. |
11:00 |
Featured Topic: Graduate students working in the upper Narraguagus.
Val Watson and Audrey Turcotte are two graduate students that will be working in the Upper Narraguagus looking at various aspects of SHARE’s large wood treatments. Val is trying to figure out how the large wood restoration on the Narraguagus is affecting the organisms and ecosystem processes that support healthy salmon populations. She will be using data on aquatic macroinvertebrates, algal biomass, and leaf breakdown rates, and use isotope analyses to look at use of wood structures for spawning. Audrey’s research is to assess geomorphic impacts of large wood present in river systems. Using quantifiable metrics, she will measure effects of large wood in multiple rivers throughout New England to ultimately compare results at active versus passive restoration sites.
There will be opportunities for questions and discussion. |
Val Watson (U. Maine) & Audrey Turcotte (Boston College)
Other Business |
2021 meeting schedule: March 4, June 3, October 7, December 2 |
Adjourn |
Project S.H.A.R.E.
126th Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2021
Virtual Meeting
Google Meet
Introductions/Anti-Trust – David Montague called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m. and welcomed the 17 people in attendance to the 126th meeting of Project S.H.A.R.E. After the general introductions, the Anti-Trust Statement was read.
Past Minutes – A motion to approve the December 3, 2020 minutes was made by Robert Murphy and was seconded by Eileen Bader-Hall. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Steve Koenig gave a summary of the Treasurer’s Report; good cash flow for projects that we have funded. We have plenty of money to carry us through the winter. There is a total of $27,678 in the bank.
Executive Director Report – Chris congratulated Ernie Atkinson and David Montague for being newly elected Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the SHARE Board. He also thanked Robert Murphy and John Burrows for their terms of service in those positions. Chris and Steve have been busy writing grants and reports reporting and planning for the field season.
Project Manager Report – Chris F. did not give a project manager report as it was included in the featured presentation.
Stakeholder Reports –
MCHT – A preliminary ice study report has been released by the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the Cherryfield Ice Control Dam. MCHT is hoping that a feasibility study may be completed by 2022.
DEP – Emily has been busy reporting and analyzing data from the clam shell project in Richardson Brook. She has noted an increase in pH for 2 weeks following clam shell additions and will continue monitoring the project. It was also noted that the hearing on LD67 was conducted on March 1st. If passed DEP could permit more projects requiring discharge in certain waters (including waters containing salmon). The current rules only allow for 3 such permits ever. There may be some funding coming up for climate resiliency projects.
DLLT – Has 2 shovel-ready projects ready for 2021, 1 in the St. Croix (RCPP project) and 1 at the Getchel Pugs. The Big Lake Milfoil Coalition is starting up. This group includes DLLT, the Woodland mill, Passamaquoddy Tribe, and Big Lake camp owners. They will be surveying Big Lake, Lewey Lake, Long Lake and Grand Falls Flowage for milfoil and removing it. They will also be educating and reaching out to the public the public about milfoil.
USFWS – Scott has been busy reporting. He has been working with Bill Bennett on aspects of the forthcoming Section 7 consultation for the Route 9 Narraguagus project. Scott is interested in developing a non-native fish plan and has been looking into categorizing salmon habitat.
NRCS – The Aquatic Restoration Team is looking to hire a new aquatic biologist in ~3 months.
TNC – It is budgeting season. There are currently more RCPP projects than available funding. TNC has submitted a proposal to renew the current RCPP.
NOAA – The Restoration Center has released a new RFP that is due April 12th and will be focused on salmon. There will be a webinar about the RFP forthcoming. Rory has been busy on reporting activities. He also reminded the group that the CMS meeting will be on April 15th with all of the SHRUs presenting their end of year reports.
AFM – Currently are working on the road budget which will include replacing bridge decks as part of the maintenance budget.
MFS – Tom is starting to plan trainings for the spring. He is also applying for Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund to replace 2 crossings in the Dennys watershed.
Val Watson – Val is a graduate student from U Maine that will be working with Hamish Grieg looking at macroinvert communities around large wood placed in the upper Narraguagus. She is also interested in possibly helping out with any environmental education opportunities.
Wagner – Wagner is supporting Tom’s proposal to replace the crossings on Preston and Gilman in the Dennys. They are also working with the recreational clubs to try and raise some of the funding required. They will be doing 2 RCPP crossings and 2 others, all in the St. Croix watershed.
DSF – Zach has received eggs from Craig Brook for the Pleasant (328,000), East Machias (506,000), and Narraguagus (210,000) rivers. The Peter Grey Hatchery will be raising parr for both the East Machias and Narraguagus Rivers this year.
Featured Topic – Review of 2020 and The Plan for 2021
Chris Federico gave a presentation reviewing the 2020 field season and previewing the 2021 field season. 2020 projects: East Machias – remnant dam removal and a wood jam constructed; Machias – 10 of the 13 wing dams were breeched in Third Lake Stream; Narraguagus – 3 large wood jams constructed, Griphoist trees in 3 reaches, 3 mobile wood additions, large wood surveys in 4 of the 7 major tributaries in the upper watershed, prep work for the Rt. 9 project, and a small culvert replacement. 2021 will see continued work in the upper Narraguagus, Northern Stream, and Third Lake Stream. It will also be the first part of the Route 9 Narraguagus Project.
Adjournment - There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 11:08.
Open Grants/Contracts | |||||||
Watershed/Cooperator | Project Description | Funding Source | Amount | ||||
176 | Machais | Machias Restoration Plan | Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund | 9,000 | |||
175 | SHARE | unrestricted | FFIM | 2,500 | |||
174 | Dennys River | Curry Brook road crossing | DMR | 5,000 | |||
173 | Payroll | Cares Act PPP | 28,529 | ||||
172 | General Opperating | Downeast Wind | 1,000 | final report due year end | |||
171 | SHARE | HSI restoration | NFWF | 200,000 | |||
168 | TU/Maine, VT, NH | Habitat Suitability | NRCS/RCPP | 250,000 | 5 yrs | ||
163 | Narraguagus | HSI restoration | MCHT | 50,000 | |||
162 | Dennys River | Curry Brook road crossing | USFWS Fish Passage | 23,000 | |||
161 | Narraguagus/Northern Str | HSI restoration | EBTJV | 38,000 | |||
160 | Machias River | Third Lake Stream side channels | MNRCP-TNC | 65,000 | |||
155 | SHARE | Dennys River | Dennys River Watershed | 3,091 | |||
154 | The Nature Conservancy | fish passage statewide | RCPP | 34,741 | |||
112 | Salmon Forum | 11,335 | |||||
721,196 | |||||||
Closed Grants/Funded Projects | ||||||
Watershed/Cooperator | Project Description | Funding Source | Amount | ||||
146 | SHARE/Narraguagus | Road crossings/habitat | NOAA | 154,000 | |||
General Opperating | Onion Foundation | 20,000 | NO |
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