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Collaborative Management Strategy for the GoM DPS Atlantic Salmon Recovery Program

Pilot: 2019-2020

Publication Date: 2020

Modification Date: Thu 29 Apr 2021 03:16:45 PM

Contributors: DKircheis


The pilot Collaborative Management Strategy, as introduced at the 2020 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystem Forum, is now fully accessible at the link below. The change in management strategy was not a decision we took lightly, and did so only after many years of review. While we extol the virtues of adaptive management, it is extremely difficult to depart from the status quo and make a change. The decade-long review of our "Framework" structure prompted us to approach the salmon restoration program from a slightly different angle.  While the overarching goal of Atlantic salmon recovery and de-listing has not changed, the governance structure has.

The purpose of the revised Governance Structure is to:

  1. Ensure that recovery of the Gulf of Maine DPS as defined in the final listing rule is achieved in accordance with the Final Recovery Plan (2019);
  2. Ensure transparency and accountability in decision making;
  3. Ensure that decisions are guided by the best available science;
  4. Help ensure that resources are made available to implement recovery actions and recovery activities as described in the Final Recovery Plan and SHRU (Salmon Habitat Recovery Unit) specific work-plans;
  5. Serve as dispute resolution and continuity of operations throughout the operational year;
  6. Ensure horizontal and vertical communication among the agencies and the various organization levels within the agencies; and
  7. Assist federal agencies in delivering on trust responsibilities to federally recognized tribes.
  8. Provide opportunity for stakeholder engagement and venue for providing input and recommendations.
PDF document icon Collaborative Management Strategy 2019.pdf — PDF document, 505 kB (517,712 bytes)

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