2017 U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee Annual Report
The U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee (USASAC) met in Portland, ME from 14-16 February 2017. Participants representing numerous state and federal agencies involved in Atlantic salmon restoration and management considered questions posed to the USASAC by various state and federal agencies to compile information in support of the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas and the North Atlantic salmon Conservation Organization.
Major summary of the findings of the USASAC are as follows:
- Estimated returns to USA rivers totaled 626 (the sum of documented returns to traps and returns estimated by redd counts on selected Maine rivers). This year ranks 24 out of 26 years for the 1991-2016 time series
- Most returns occurred to the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment, which includes the Penobscot River and eastern Maine coastal rivers, accounting for 98% of the total return.
- Most (72%) returns were of hatchery smolt origin and the balance (28%) originated from either natural reproduction or hatchery origin fry and eggs.
- A total of 4,936,654 juvenile salmon and 3,757 adults were stocked in 2016.
For more information please contact Tim Sheehan at 508-495-2215 or [email protected].
U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee. 2017. Annual Report of the U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee, 29. 2016 Activities. US Atlantic Salmon Committee, Portland, ME. 132 pp.
For more information, please visit http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/USASAC/Reports/
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