CMS Reports for 2020
Publication Date: 2020
Modification Date: Mon 11 May 2020 01:57:46 PM
Contributors: DKircheis , EAtkinson , AHarris , MBartron , PChristman
The Collaborative Management Strategy (CMS) requires the individual SHRU Teams to develop annual reports and make them available to the public. Standing (FERC) and Ad Hoc Committees (Fish Passage Operations and Broodstock Collection, and Emergency Stocking) are also required to report out annually. The goal of the annual reports are to summarize progress toward achieving recovery goals for each SHRU. The reports address abundance and population trends, spatial distribution, genetic diversity, emerging issues and priorities, stakeholder input, next year’s work plan, and any additional reports or publications they may result from work conducted within the SHRU. The report includes a high-level summary of the status of the GOM DPS of Atlantic salmon in relation to the reclassification and delisting criteria laid out in the 2019 recovery plan. Additional information is developed and provided by the SHRU coordinating committees with significant input from stakeholders in their respective SHRUs. Standing committees and ad Hoc committees provide detailed information on their focus areas and emerging issues.
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