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NOAA Announces Initiation of Atlantic Salmon Five-Year Status Review

Endangered and Threatened Species; Initiation of 5-Year Review for the Endangered Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Salmon
NOAA Fisheries is initiating a five-year review of the Gulf of Maine distinct population segment (DPS) of Atlantic Salmon, as required by the Endangered Species Act. The Gulf of Maine DPS of Atlantic salmon is listed as endangered by NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. NOAA Fisheries is taking the lead for this review. 

In a five-year review, we evaluate the best scientific and commercial data available to review the current status of listed species. We use these reviews to ensure that listing classifications are accurate.
Through this announcement, we are requesting submission of information on the Gulf of Maine DPS of Atlantic salmon, including any information on the status, threats, and recovery of the species that has become available since the final listing determination in 2009.
Please submit your information by July 20, 2017either through the e-Rulemaking portal or by mail to:
Dan Kircheis
NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region
Maine Field Station
17 Godfrey Drive
Orono, Maine 04473

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