NOAA Announces Federal Funding Opportunity : Species Recovery Grants to States (Section 6 Program)
Proposals that address the recovery of one of the following critically endangered species are also encouraged as part of the agency’s Species in the Spotlight initiative: Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon, white abalone, Cook Inlet beluga whales, Hawaiian monk seals, Pacific leatherback sea turtles, and southern resident killer whales. Funded activities may include development and implementation of management efforts, scientific research, and public education and outreach. Any State agency that has entered into an agreement with NMFS pursuant to section 6(c) of the ESA or enters into such an agreement within 30 days of the application deadline is eligible to apply under this solicitation. Proposals focusing on Pacific salmonids will not be considered for funding under this grant program; such projects may be considered through the NMFS Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.
Click on the following link for description of how to submit proposals for funding in fiscal year (FY) 2018 and how NMFS will evaluate and select proposals for funding. This document should be read in its entirety; some information has changed from the previous year.
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