Atlantic Salmon Recovery Plan
The USFWS and the National Marine Fisheries Service approved the initial recovery plan for the Gulf of Maine (GOM) Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of Atlantic salmon in November, 2005. The 2005 plan was developed based on populations and threats identified in the initial listing rule (65 FR 69459; December 17, 2000). After approval of the 2005 recovery plan, significant new information led to the expansion of the GOM DPS to include additional populations and a larger geographic area (June 19, 2009: 74 FR 29344). The 2009 listing rule for the expanded DPS identified a number of new threats, but called attention to two significant threats: the threat of dams and regulatory mechanisms related to dams, and the threat of marine survival. This recovery plan for the GOM DPS of Atlantic salmon addresses these threats as well as a number of lesser threats that together, constitute a significant threat. In addition to the threats identified at the time of listing, this Recovery Plan calls attention to the threat of road stream crossings and the intercept fishery in the North Atlantic, as there is growing concern about the magnitude of the effects of these actions on Atlantic salmon in the GOM DPS. This plan also identifies climate change as an emerging threat to Atlantic salmon in light of new information that has been brought forward since the time of listing. The purpose of this plan is to help identify and guide recovery needs for the endangered Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon. This plan includes (1) a description of site-specific management actions necessary to conserve the species; (2) objective, measurable criteria that, when met, will allow the species to be removed from the endangered and threatened species list; and (3) estimates of the time and funding required to achieve the plan’s goals.
The following information has been sourced from the 2009 expanded Atlantic salmon listing rule (74 FR 29344), critical habitat rule (74 FR 29300), 2005 Recovery Plan (NOAA and USFWS 2005), 2006 Status Review (Fay et al. 2006), and additional more recent sources.
1. Biology
1.1 Taxonomy and Species Description
1.3 Abundance and Distribution
1.5 Critical Habitat
2. Reasons for Listing and Current Threats
2.1 Reasons for Listing and Current Threats
3. Conservation Efforts
3.1 Stakeholder Recovery Efforts
3.2 Planning and Management Efforts
4. Recovery Strategy Background Documents
4.1 Population Viability (and Analysis)
5. Recovery Activity Workplans
6. Proposal Guidelines
7. Governance Structure
7. Tribal Coordination and Collaboration
8. Glossary
9. Literature Cited
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