Large Wood
A collection of papers and articles related to in-stream, large woody debris.
Integrating Engineered Log Jam Technology into River Rehabilitation
Reach-scale river rehabilitation projects using Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) were implemented successfully in four demonstration projects in western Washington from 1995 through 1999. ELJ technology is founded on the premise that river management can be improved by understanding, emulating, and accommodating natural processes using sound science and engineering practices. The ELJ demonstration projects were developed as part of river rehabilitation efforts in which reach analyses were crucial for providing information about historical channel dynamics and revealing opportunities and constraints that helped refine project objectives and improve designs. Each ELJ demonstration project constructed to date improved salmonid habitat and addressed traditional problems constraining habitat rehabilitation, such as bank and bridge protection. The projects described here offer examples of in-stream structures compatible with rehabilitating and maintaining aquatic and riparian habitat in fluvial corridors throughout the Puget Sound.
Integrating Engineered Log Jam Technology into River Rehabilitation - Read More…
Restoring Large Woody Debris to Streams
The objective of this paper is to discuss and describe the techniques of placing LWD in streams to restore natural conditions and enhance fish habitat. I will also describe what ecosystems this technique has been used in, compare it to other stream debris restoration practices, and finally describe the successes and/or failures of this technique of stream restoration.
Long-Term Effects of Large Woody Debris Addition on Stream Habitat and Brook Trout Populations
In this study, they resurveyed stream habitat and sampled brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations 6 years after large woody debris additions to determine long-term changes in habitat and brook trout populations.
LWD Fact Seet
General reference for LWD terms and line drawings
Modification Date: Mon 09 Mar 2015 03:36:52 PM
Contributors: Connecticut DEP
largewoodydebrisfactsheet.pdf — PDF document, 251 kB (257,272 bytes)Forecasting Environmental Responses to Restoration of Rivers Used as Log Floatways: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
History of the logging era and riverine impacts. European reference. Very good!
Publication Date: 2005
Modification Date: Mon 09 Mar 2015 03:36:52 PM
Contributors: Christer Nilsson , Fabio Lepori , Bjo¨rn Malmqvist , Erik To¨rnlund , Niclas Hjerdt,1 James M. Helfield,1 Daniel Palm,3 Johan O¨ stergren,3 , Roland Jansson,1 Eva Bra¨nna¨s,3 and Hans Lundqvist3
Nilsson_Ecosystems_2005 log drives.pdf — PDF document, 538 kB (551,512 bytes)Document Actions