Includes news releases posted directly to this site and links to news releases on the sites of our partners.
Atlantic Salmon Returns to the Narraguagus
Weekly updates. Previous reports are accessible via the Database Section under the Resources tab
Fish & Chips: TNC's fish habitat restoration on a local potato farm
The Nature Conservancy helps fish, people, and potato chips
Freshwater and Diadromous Fishes of New England: Identification, Distribution and Conservation Status - Upcoming Summer Week-long Seminars 2021
Educational seminar
DMR Rotary Screw Trapping Results 6-14-2021
smolt collection
Species in the Spotlight: 5-year Action Plan for Atlantic Salmon
Species in the Spotlight. Restoration and Recovery.
Public Webinar: 2021 Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants
funding opportunity webinar
Atlantic Salmon 5-Year Review
Downeast Salmon Federation Spring 2020 Newsletter
News and notes
Milford Fish Lift Weekly Updates
Fish Passage Data. Previous updates are available in the Database folder under the Resources tab.
Proceedings of the first virtual CMS Public Meeting
The proceedings, slides, minutes, and Q&A session from the 5/28/2020 meeting are now available for public viewing and comment
CMS Reports for 2020
Annual Report on the DPS, Annual SHRU Reports, Annual Standing Committee Reports, Ad Hoc Committee Reports
Union River dams denied key state certification
DEP application rejected
The Maine Chapter of Native Fish Coalition partnered with Downeast Salmon Federation, Atlantic Salmon Federation and Maine Department of Marine Resources to develop an informational sign pertaining to Maine’s federally endangered sea-run Atlantic salmon.
Cautionary Signage for Anglers
Northern Maine Hatchery Receives 42,000 Eggs
For eventual introduction to an Aroostook River tributary.
Ellsworth clears way for removal of old dam on Branch Lake Stream
Fish passage improvement
Maine Audubon: Stream Smart Phase II workshops
stream survey techniques and concepts associated with ecologically sound road/stream crossings
USFWS Programmatic Stream Crossing Consultation
USFWS, FEMA, and USACE in Maine have collaborated on a programmatic Endangered Species Act section 7 consultation that will facilitate recovery of the endangered Atlantic salmon and promote healthy stream ecosystems. Poorly designed stream crossings have long been recognized as a problem for Atlantic salmon and other native aquatic organisms in Maine. While progress has certainly been made to address this issue on a variety of fronts, including outreach and education, more work remains to be done.
First genetically engineered salmon sold in Canada
US firm AquaBounty Technologies says that its farmed, transgenic salmon has hit the market after a 25-year wait.
NOAA Fisheries designate critical habitat for Atlantic sturgeon
The critical habitat designation will require federal agencies to consult NOAA Fisheries if they operate or fund activities that may affect designated critical habitat in more than 3,968 miles of important coastal river habitat from Maine to Florida. Atlantic sturgeon was listed under the Endangered Species Act in 2012 and is comprised of the threatened Gulf of Maine distinct population segment and the endangered New York Bight, Chesapeake Bay, Carolina, and South Atlantic distinct population segments.
Endangered and Threatened Marine Species Recovery Grant Awarded to Penobscot Indian Nation
NOAA has awarded the Penobscot Indian Nation with continued funding for their Atlantic salmon management and outreach projects.
NEFSC: Field Fresh Blog Posts
The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) has conducted resource cruises out of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, since 1885. Our scientists research marine mammals, groundfishes of the Atlantic, and their habitats. Standard bottom trawl surveys were initiated in the fall of 1963, and since 1968 have been completed each spring and fall. Cruises to monitor shellfish resources have been conducted since the late 1970s, primarily for sea scallops, surf clams and ocean quahogs. On all cruises, oceanographic, as well as meteorological data are collected. The data obtained from the standard trawl surveys are universally recognized as the most scientifically valuable time series of fisheries related data in the world.
NOAA Announces Initiation of Atlantic Salmon Five-Year Status Review
Endangered and Threatened Species; Initiation of 5-Year Review for the Endangered Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Salmon
Acoustic Telemetry Assessment of Hatchery-Reared Smolts in the Narraguagus River
Acoustic Telemetry Assessment of Hatchery-Reared Smolts in the Narraguagus River
2017 U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee Annual Report
2017 U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee Annual Report
A Vulnerability Assessment of Fish and Invertebrates to Climate Change on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
Atlantic salmon tops the list of species most vulnerable to climate change in Northeast
Changing trophic structure and energy dynamics in the Northwest Atlantic: implications for Atlantic salmon feeding at West Greenland
NMFS publishes new Atlantic salmon diet study in Marine Ecology Progress
Salmon Smolts Survive the Dam but Die Downstream
New research reveals that dam passage can leave smolts with long-lasting injuries that make them vulnerable to predators far downstream.
International Atlantic Salmon Assessment Report Available
The annual report of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon [WGNAS] is available for download online.
NOAA Scientists Collaborate to track Atlantic salmon smolts
A recent paper in Science highlights the recent advancements in hi-tech tracking tags and coast wide collaboration used by partners in the Ocean Tracking Network. NOAA Fisheries scientist John Kocik is a co-author on the paper describing the collaboration of the network for tracking Atlantic salmon smolt and other species movements.
Greenlandic Fishery Continues to Catch Imperiled Atlantic Salmon
Press release from NOAA Fisheries summarizing the 2015 annual meeting of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization meeting in Goose Bay, Canada.
ICES Publishes NOAA Model to Predict Fish Population Response to Dams
NOAA Fisheries Scientists publish paper modeling the response of Atlantic salmon to dam removals on the Penobscot River, Maine, USA.
NOAA Fisheries announces "Species in the Spotlight" campaign for Atlantic Salmon.
NOAA Fisheries announced a new Species in the Spotlight campaign to focus recovery and public education efforts on nine marine species that are at risk of extinction.
ASF Explores High Mortality in Early Part of Migration
St Andrews, N.B.— Top researchers with the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) are trying to figure out why wild Atlantic salmon numbers are dropping dramatically once they leave their home rivers and head into saltwater. Jonathan Carr, ASF’s Director of Research and Environment, recently presented his latest scientific findings at the Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum in Orono, Maine. Scientists from across North America gathered to exchange information regarding the latest research on wild Atlantic salmon and their habitat.